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  • The Subtle Signs of Narcissistic Triangulation in the Early Stages of Love

The Subtle Signs of Narcissistic Triangulation in the Early Stages of Love

Are you in the midst of a whirlwind romance, with your partner showering you with attention and affection? Be wary, for narcissists often use triangulation tactics even during the love bombing phase. This manipulative behavior can be a red flag, signaling that you're dealing with a narcissist.

Triangulation is a clever ploy used by narcissists to make themselves appear more desirable and coveted. They may "accidentally" call you by their ex's name, mention their attractive coworkers, or boast about their ex's lingering feelings for them. These subtle jabs are designed to make you feel insecure and eager to prove your worth.

Narcissists often employ triangulation tactics early on, disguising them as harmless comments or jokes. They might say things like:

- "My ex is still in love with me."

- "I have a lot of attractive colleagues who admire me."

- "My family/friends will always come first."

- "I have a thing for [physical feature]."

These statements may seem innocent, but they're actually carefully crafted to make you feel like you're in competition with others for their attention. Narcissists believe they're pulling the wool over your eyes, making you work harder to be with them.

Don't be fooled. Recognize these early signs of triangulation for what they are – a manipulative tactic to control and dominate the relationship. Remember, a healthy partner will never make you feel like you're in a competition or that you need to prove your worth.

Stay vigilant and watch for these subtle signs of narcissistic triangulation. Your emotional well-being depends on it.

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