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  • Baby's Sassy Entrance: Seconds After Birth, She Gives Doctor a Piece of Her Mind!

Baby's Sassy Entrance: Seconds After Birth, She Gives Doctor a Piece of Her Mind!

Meet Isabelle, the baby girl who came into the world with a bang - or rather, a middle finger! Yes, you read that right! This little bundle of joy was caught giving the doctor a playful gesture, leaving everyone in the delivery room in stitches.

Isabelle's parents, Diane and Renato Derosha, were taken aback by the unexpected pregnancy, and things only got more surprising from there. Diane's pregnancy was complicated by a subchorionic hematoma, a rare type of bleeding that had them worried about a miscarriage.

But Isabelle was determined to make a grand entrance! As soon as she was born, she let out a tiny cry and then... flipped off the doctor! The room erupted in laughter, and even the medical staff couldn't help but crack a smile.

"I guess she was trying to tell us something!" Diane chuckled. "Like, 'Hey, I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere!'"

Renato added, "We were so relieved she was healthy, and then we saw that little hand go up... it was like she was saying, 'Chill out, guys, I've got this!'"

Bold Doesn't Look BackA movement giving women the resources and opportunity to discover their power

Isabelle's sassy entrance has become a legendary tale among family and friends, and we can't help but wonder what other surprises this little one has in store!


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